
Governments are increasingly using the Internet to deliver information and services to individuals using e-government technology. E-government may include anything from responding to questions via email or web sites to accepting online payment for government services.

Email has become particularly popular with government agencies, bringing unprecedented speed, reliability and convenience to intra- and inter-agency communications.

As a result, most government agencies are more dependent than ever on the health of their networking infrastructure. Unfortunately, more and more threats have been popping up to jeopardize those networks.

Main goals

Some of the most common threats that government agencies face include:

  • Attacks involving email

  • Cyber espionage and data leaks

  • Vulnerable workstations

  • Inappropriate employee network use


With security threats about a daily reality, government agencies need a solution that can secure their networks reliably. Here at Smart-Soft we have developed a solution that addresses and effectively solves all of the outlined security threats. Its name is Traffic Inspector.

Traffic Inspector is Microsoft Windows-based software for network security and access control that gives clients unprecedented control over network security, web access, and traffic analysis, while protecting them from malicious web and email activity. The product includes a plethora of tools to manage home and office networks, including a secure firewall, web access rules, a spam filter, a traffic shaper, traffic prioritization settings, and extensive logging and reporting functions.

Traffic Inspector features SMTP Gateway to protect against email and phishing attacks. Integrated SMTP Gateway is designed to serve as the front-end for a corporate mail server and filters out spam and unwanted email. Plug-ins like Web of Trust and Phishing Blocker block unsafe and phishing web sites by leveraging WOT reputation and Google Safe Browsing services.

Our unique and certified security solution protects your networks against data leakage by allowing administrators to implement effective Internet access policies. With Traffic Inspector, you control the traffic that enters and leaves your network.

Traffic Inspector deploys a multi-layer network security system. It provides firewall protection against external network attacks, and the Flood Mitigation system blocks users generating excessive network traffic on your internal networks. When using the Kaspersky Gate Anti-Virus plug-in, Traffic Inspector can inspect web and email traffic and block malware from entering your network.

Traffic Inspector also helps fight against cyberslacking. With our solution you can track user activity and pinpoint employees who are abusing their Internet access. Traffic Inspector improves employee productivity by blocking social media sites, entertainment sites, on-line games, music and video content.

To sum up, governments have a responsibility to protect individuals and their sensitive information. While governments are busy conducting cyber security research and formulating strategies, government agencies have to react quickly to the ever-changing landscape of security threats. Traffic Inspector provides protection when it matters most. Start using Traffic Inspector today to secure your network.